Thursday, September 30, 2010

Black & White TV's

Yeahhhh!  My second sale on E-Bay.  I sold my old 1950's Dumont TV.  I bought it years ago at the Hadassah Rummage Sale for a great price.  It was a fun item.  Surely a conversation piece. After I purchased it, a friend gave me a vintage TV Guide featuring Ozzie & Harriet on the cover, which  I displayed on top of the TV.  I considered taking the Dumont to Asheville, but decided NO.  It just won't fit in with the way I envision the new house to look (& feel). 

The photos above are of me, of course - & my brother Michael.  The two of us are in front of our console radio/phonograph; the one of me alone in front of the tv.  I know we got the set when I was 10 years old.  I was actually told it was for my birthday, however, that did not mean that I had first choice to watch whatever I wanted.  The photos were taken in the living room of our apartment on Bristol Street in Brownsville, Brooklyn.  Michael was about 5 in the photos.

1 comment:

BSOB said...

Thats Great! Did you all gather and watch the sopranos on hbo?